Site by askseven

Imagine being thirsty and unable to ask for a drink, or being hungry and unable to ask for food. For many children with severe communication difficulties, such as autism, this is a reality.

Pyramid Educational Trust is a registered charity set up to support people with autism and communication difficulties to learn to communicate through a simple yet effective system called the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Many parents and teachers have found the use of PECS has built up children’s confidence and independence and has led in some instances to reading, speech and mainstream education.

The Pyramid Educational Trust was formed to raise funds to support those who would benefit from PECS and the Pyramid Approach to Education. The Trust aims, in particular, to support parents and carers to receive training and support in implement PECS and the Pyramid Approach to Education.

1. By making a donation, please send cheque with your name and address.

2. Making a pledge of a monthly standing order (minimum £1), please print off and complete the STANDING ORDER FORM - Word version - PDF version.

3. Help to fund raise. The trust needs more fundraisers across the UK to raise more funds, please write with your name, address and telephone number to be contacted. Any help welcomed.

The Trust is currently seeking additional trustees and fundraisers to support their work. To find out more click here.

Please email any comments or enquiries to

How to help
Trustees wanted

What is PECS?